62-year-old Sport Illustrated model, Owner of JodiFit in Branford,
has been training women for 34 years, helping them feel their best at their age.



“I never had a ‘weight’ problem, but in 2011, my daughter had just left for college, I was an empty nester, and I missed her terribly. I was happy I had just opened Jodifit to throw my heart and soul into and work for myself on my own terms, but stressed, too.
I decided to get on the scale 1 day and weighed 122( which is a lot FOR ME at 5’1”) , I wasn’t eating as well as I should have been. I wasn’t eating enough lean protein, leafy greens, etc. and forget working out! That’s when this was introduced to me ISAGENIX. It changed my life physically, mentally & financially. I went back to eating healthy. So FOR ME, that means eating 3 small meals a day and 2 shakes giving me 110 grams of lean protein per day. In a perfect world you want to take in as much lean protein as your body weight.

This is not rocket science, but there is a science to it. I am a 2x Certified Nutrition expert. The shakes supplement my daily diet providing me with a full meal replacement -24 grams of whey protein from grass fed cows in New Zealand. 24 grams of carbs( that’s your low glycemic fruit, leafy green and starch).  Long story long, consistency with healthy eating will help you lose or maintain your body weight, body fat %, reduce your BMI, give you more energy and help you maintain or build muscle thus reducing your bodyfat%
Your food reflects 80% of the way you feel and look in your body. You will feel good about yourself because your doing something good FOR YOURSELF!”


